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Showing posts from April, 2019


1. What is file sharing? File sharing has been an important and very useful feature in new media technology. It allows us to transfer files between computers in a very fast and swift manner. It saves a lot of time and certainly proved to be very efficient in every professional or educational fields. Sharing photos, documents, or any other kind of data is super convenient. For instance, on a daily basis, I share pictures with my family or friends through AirDrop which lets us transfer files between our phones or even from phone to computer within seconds even if the file is over 300 megabytes. So it's definitely one of the biggest digital features that we have the luxury of having. 2.         What is P2P File sharing? P2P file sharing also known as Peer to Peer sharing, is a way of sharing digital media directly from one person to another and sharing on a platform to which everyone has access to. Napster and Limewire were one of the most popular sites where it was easy

Wiki So Far

I haven't contributed or added any content yet, but I'm planning to do research and contribute to the Real Estate page. I work in the real estate field and by being constantly surrounded by it I certainly can add much more information than presented. I'd like to discuss about the listings and several platforms that let realtors post their listings on. Lately, there's been many issues with them which cause agencies to reconsider their entire business structures. So definitely planning to expand on that.


While the new media has been very useful impactful in our day and age, we constantly face a threat to our privacy. While social media platforms with its huge amounts of users are always growing, cybersecurity has certainly been lacking a real protection. Just during the past couple of years, we've had major news about platforms such as Google and Facebook wrongly using its users' saved data including personal information, preferences, pictures, and even location. What's even more worse is when we know that they sell our information for billions of dollars and the companies that invest heavily into obtaining people's data make their business decisions and aim at certain audiences based on the obtained information. Still to this day, we hear news about data breaching which puts us a society in a great jeopardy. It's not at all comfortable to know that your information and even info such as what kind of things you go shopping for are all out there in the open. It'


One major improvement that Baruch College can make is to get its students more involved in the student life. Baruch itself is known for being a commuter school and I can certainly agree with that being a transfer student from a big campus school. Comparing to out of town large campus schools, Baruch lacks that ability to bring its students more involved. So, one major change could be a use of social media to get everyone involved. The school can invest and develop a very resourceful platform in which the social can promote all kinds of news and events  which students can attend and generally be aware of. For example, if the school organizes a concert, it can run a very well organized campaign to promote that. In the end, not only students will all come together, but the school can also benefit financially and from getting more followers and likes. Also worth pointing out that the school can use its developed social media platforms to inform its students and faculty about changes in th