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Blog about Twitter

In comparison to Twitter, a Blackboard discussions seem to be more formal. We conduct discussions with fellow classmates in a very serious professional manner. Your input is read by classmates and each of us can go in depth on certain topics. Comparing to Twitter, I feel like I have to proof read and go over it twice before posting it. Blackboard discussions also allow us to write as much as we want whereas on Twitter there is a limited number of symbols. 

When it comes to Twitter vs an in-class discussion, Twitter offers more chance for people like myself to express an opinion. Sometimes a person is either shy or not comfortable with a certain topic, so he/she'd feel better writing it online rather than speaking up in class. On Twitter, it's certainly easier to back the points you make. You can quickly find a link or a reference and attach it onto the post. Everyone's post will be seen where in class sometimes it's difficult to hear everyone out. 


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